Hello my lovely kinky people!
I hope every single one of you are healthy, happy, and safe during this unprecedented time. As always, sending love and good thoughts to all of you! It’s been a strange and busy time, so if you’ve sent me an email and you haven’t heard a response, please email me again. I will be responding to all emails over the next few weeks.
I feel it would be naive and irresponsible not to share my thoughts about the recent current events regarding racial injustice and the Black Lives Matter movement. Reading, watching and reflecting on everything that has happened – not just in the last month, but essentially forever – I’m both saddened and inspired. I have tried to relate to the biases and horrific injustices black people have to endure, as a woman who has dealt with misogyny solely based on my gender and appearance, but it simply isn’t the same struggle. At all. I realize that my best course of action in all of this is to personally support a number of charities that work to counteract institutional racism, heal those affected by it, work to educate future generations, and continue to promote a positive and loving approach. If you are reading this and you have decided you don’t want to work with me because I believe Black people shouldn’t endure prejudice, pain and suffering based on their race, then I’m pleased to never see or speak to you again. In the words of Angela Davis: “In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” and in that vein, not taking this stance would be wrong. I will also be highlighting a worthy charity each month – I know that some of you lovelies like to send gifts my way, and I’d love it if you could instead contribute to some of these causes!
Along these same lines, I’d like to address something that happens far too often. Potential subs often email and ask if I accept bookings with people of colour. I’d like to answer this clearly and forever – OF COURSE. It upsets me that you feel you have to ask this question. It should be a given. Your skin colour should not restrict your access to anything, and kink is a solid part of that.
To my lovely kinky friends who share this standpoint: remember that these issues are far from resolved. We must continue to strive to improve and do better. Support black-owned businesses, educate yourself, listen without being defensive, donate to worthy causes, understand and use your privilege for good and remember that this is ongoing work. The movement is not a trend – there is no justice without racial justice. There is work to be done. This movement is bigger than politics, this is social justice.
Now for those of you left, on to the kinky stuff!
It’s been a bit of an exciting time over at Toronto Domme HQ lately! Despite all predictions given the pandemic, you kinky fucks have kept me SUPER busy during quarantine and I’ve loved every moment of it. Keep an eye out on the blog for some upcoming announcements and exciting new projects!
Along those lines, I was lucky enough to be approached for a video interview with author and podcast host and author Nicholas Tanek, and I thought I’d share the video with all of you here, as many of you have been asking about video for a number of years! We had a great chat about my history in kink, my thoughts on some specific fetishes, and a bunch of other fun stuff! Check it out if you’d like! Please don’t mind the shaky voice – I was trying not to cough!
I’d also like to open the floor for some subbie contributions for a project I’m working on! If you have a burning question about anything kink or life related, feel free to send it my way. See you all soon!
My interview with Nicholas Tanek of Your Kinky Friends:
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